Securities Litigation

Navigate complex securities litigation with analysis backed by considerable valuation and economic expertise.

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Data-driven analyses

Complex Securities Valuations

Build your case with solid market evidence. We address the complexities of securities litigation with statistically sound analyses backed by robust market data and modern finance theory. Our professionals have experience in various forms of securities litigation and regularly provide:

  • Testing of market efficiency,
  • Event studies,
  • Calculation of other forms of damages (e.g., Rule 10b-5 matters).

We don't follow a standardized or mechanical approach. Our experts perform a comprehensive review of the unique facts and circumstances of each case, ensuring that our analysis is insightful and well-supported.

comprehensive case review
Experience-driven counsel

Our Securities Litigation Experts

We bring both economic expertise and professional investment experience to the table.  

Our lead securities expert, Joseph Thompson, has professional experience trading equity and index stock options, including serving as a designated primary market maker. With experience testifying in the Delaware Court of Chancery, U.S. federal courts, and FINRA arbitrations, our professionals deliver clear and compelling insights under tight deadlines.

securities litigation experts

Lead Securities Litigation Expert

Joseph Thompson's capital markets experience and academic credentials have made him a sought-after testifying expert in high-profile matters.

Updates, thought leadership, cases, and more

Securities Litigation Insights

David Clarke Co-Authors Chapters in "Valuing a Business"
valuing a business

David Clarke Co-Authors Chapters in "Valuing a Business"

2021 Year in Review: Leading in Valuation Theory and Practice
court lawsuit case

2021 Year in Review: Leading in Valuation Theory and Practice

2021 Mid-Year Update: Major Cases and Accomplishments
empty court room

2021 Mid-Year Update: Major Cases and Accomplishments

Talk to One of Our Experts

Ready to find out how the Griffing Group can help with your valuation or strategy needs?

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